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A Moment of Peace: A Mini-Course in Meditation

  • 27Steps


A Heal & Rise Mini-Course You know how you've been wanting to start meditating... but for some reason you're struggling to start? Or you know it would help you feel more balanced to develop daily mindfulness practices... but aren't really sure how? Perhaps you tell yourself this is something you'll do when things get "less busy" or when you don't have such a mess of dishes and laundry to keep up with, or when the kids (or grandkids) get a little older? The time is NOW. You're on this page for a reason. Your whole family and community will benefit from you integrating more meditation and mindfulness techniques into your life, starting with YOU. Discover how to feel more calm, balanced, and grounded amidst the daily chaos of life with: - Learn the basics of 7 Types of Meditation - 7 Guided Audio Meditations, each focused on supporting the healing and alignment of the major chakras (energy centers) - 7 Journal & Meditation Prompts to invite more presence and peace into your daily life Plus a BONUS: Chakra Healing Basics eBook to explore the 7 major chakras and understand the energy required to rebalance your sense of self

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