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When River Spirits Speak: Water Remembers

I've always been drawn to the water. Water remembers.

Moving waters, whether the most gentle, trickling stream or a powerful and full river, bring a certain peacefulness and clarity. Some of our most enjoyable moments as a family have been alongside flowing waters, with the kids throwing rocks into the river and dipping their toes in as my husband fishes upon the shore. Myself, book or notebook and pen in hand with my back resting against a carefully chosen tree, taking it all in. I often talk to our beloved bodies of water. As we crossed from Dubuque, Iowa into Illinois this weekend I greeted the wide waters below with an excited, "Hello dear river friend, hello mighty Mother Mississippi!"

I was unsure as to why I called her this... the words just flowed from my heart without my mind's consideration. Perhaps because of her strong, yet nurturing and life-giving presence. Perhaps I felt this title whispered from ancestors who'd referred to her as such. Whatever the reason, it just felt right and didn't phase my husband, for he was well used to my conversations with plants and other living things. Chats that I realized would likely cause many to question my sanity.

Chuckling to myself at this thought, I wondered how it could be considered "crazy" to converse and have a relationship with these living things of the natural world. Yet to live upon the land in a way that is undoubtedly destroying it, with little to no knowledge of the plants and animals who've lived here far longer than us... this was considered "normal"?! It made no sense.

We crossed this great river, observing the winter ice that had filled in all but a small portion of it. While I'd often conversed with this river, I was unaware at this point of how clearly I would soon hear her wisdom.

Our children with their grandparents, we were looking forward to enjoying some much-needed time with each other. And enjoy it we did! As we drove into the hills of Galena, Illinois, joyfully chatting about how we'd like to spend our time, I caught a glimpse of that which I'd felt before. We were going to fast. Not because our car was exceeding the speed limit, but because I felt the remembering of traveling through these historic roads on horseback and pulled in a carriage. Catching a quick imagery of exactly that, it felt as though there was a momentary ripple between our current timeline and that which I sensed.

There was just something magical about this place.

We journeyed on through our weekend together, enjoying the peacefulness of uninterrupted meals, Irish musical artists, and antique hunting without fear of our dear children grabbing a breakable treasure. We could be present with one another without fixating on the chaos stirring in our country. New nature areas beckoned us to hike and explore, and of course we simply had to grab decadent treats from our favorite sweets shop in historic downtown. As much as I was loving every moment of our time together, something was missing. Waking early Sunday morning I knew what it was. While we'd explored nature areas and gone for incredibly scenic drives, I'd not yet settled fully into peaceful stillness with this dear river spirit at our special place we'd found, right on her banks.

Driving through the woods, the morning sun was glistening upon the vibrant white snow. I once again felt a deep sense of joy and peacefulness as though off to visit a cherished friend I'd been missing. We pulled off the road to our special spot, thankful to find nobody else in the vicinity. Wrapping my hand-crocheted scarf cozily around myself and grabbing a blanket to sit on, I nestled myself right at the frozen water's edge.

I breathed deeply as annoyance suddenly hit. All was quiet, except for the sound of our very own vehicle, my husband in the driver's seat. I motioned for him to turn off the car and he reminded me in return that it was only twelve degrees fahrenheit currently. He understood my need for peace, however, and kindly pulled the car far enough away that I could finally hear nothing but Mother Nature. The cool breeze rustling through the tall grasses. The cold creating a sharp and snappy creak as trees moved. Birds, mostly geese singing their songs. Mmmmm... this was what I needed.

In clearing my mind and surrendering myself to the present moment fully, I found the river had a message for me. She shared the powerful reminder that water remembers. While ever-flowing, water has it's own consciousness of sorts. A spirit all its own. By spending time in and around it, we may find ourselves remembering. Memories of our own childhood and playing in the water rise from the depths of our own experiences. Memories of the lang and those who've lived upon it travel through the ethers, sharing wisdom for those who quiet themselves enough to hear it.

Water remembers. Where else had I heard that phrase? Reflecting on this guidance and breathing the pure but icy air deep into my lungs, I opened my eyes again.

Across the banks where an island jutted out and a single tree stretched to the sky, I saw him. He was strong and majestic, and was looking directly into my soul with his own message to share.

(to be continued in next Monday's blog article)



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I'm a writer, energy healer, and plant-obsessed meditating mama on a mission of guiding women to Heal & Rise! For more about my story...

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About Ashley

Ashley is passionate about helping you heal and rise into all you're here to be.


From guiding your somatic therapy sessions to writings that touch your heart, she aims to support your journey of healing naturally in body, mind, and spirit.


With her bachelor degree in health sciences, her massage therapy licensure, reiki master level attunement, meditation teacher certification, and yoga teacher certification, she has studied and practiced the art of holistic healing and somatics for 11 years. She loves reading and adding to her "healing tool belt" along the way to pass her acquired wisdom on to you.


When not guiding healing or writing, she enjoys making music, gardening, dancing and going on adventures exploring our nature home with her two young children

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© 2021 by Ashley Kay Andy LLC. Professional photos of Ashley by Jenny Marie of

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